1: <?php
3: class Mailchimp_Gallery {
4: public function __construct(Mailchimp $master) {
5: $this->master = $master;
6: }
8: /**
9: * Return a section of the image gallery
10: * @param associative_array $opts
11: * - type string optional the gallery type to return - images or files - default to images
12: * - start int optional for large data sets, the page number to start at - defaults to 1st page of data (page 0)
13: * - limit int optional for large data sets, the number of results to return - defaults to 25, upper limit set at 100
14: * - sort_by string optional field to sort by - one of size, time, name - defaults to time
15: * - sort_dir string optional field to sort by - one of asc, desc - defaults to desc
16: * - search_term string optional a term to search for in names
17: * @return associative_array the matching gallery items
18: * - total int the total matching items
19: * - data array structs for each item included in the set, including:
20: * - name string the file name
21: * - time string the creation date for the item
22: * - size int the file size in bytes
23: * - full string the url to the actual item in the gallery
24: * - thumb string a url for a thumbnail that can be used to represent the item, generally an image thumbnail or an icon for a file type
25: */
26: public function getList($opts=array()) {
27: $_params = array("opts" => $opts);
28: return $this->master->call('gallery/list', $_params);
29: }
31: }