1: <?php
3: class Mailchimp_Helper {
4: public function __construct(Mailchimp $master) {
5: $this->master = $master;
6: }
8: /**
9: * Retrieve lots of account information including payments made, plan info, some account stats, installed modules,
10: contact info, and more. No private information like Credit Card numbers is available.
11: * @param array $exclude
12: * @return associative_array containing the details for the account tied to this API Key
13: * - username string The Account username
14: * - user_id string The Account user unique id (for building some links)
15: * - is_trial bool Whether the Account is in Trial mode (can only send campaigns to less than 100 emails)
16: * - is_approved bool Whether the Account has been approved for purchases
17: * - has_activated bool Whether the Account has been activated
18: * - timezone string The timezone for the Account - default is "US/Eastern"
19: * - plan_type string Plan Type - "monthly", "payasyougo", or "free"
20: * - plan_low int <em>only for Monthly plans</em> - the lower tier for list size
21: * - plan_high int <em>only for Monthly plans</em> - the upper tier for list size
22: * - plan_start_date string <em>only for Monthly plans</em> - the start date for a monthly plan
23: * - emails_left int <em>only for Free and Pay-as-you-go plans</em> emails credits left for the account
24: * - pending_monthly bool Whether the account is finishing Pay As You Go credits before switching to a Monthly plan
25: * - first_payment string date of first payment
26: * - last_payment string date of most recent payment
27: * - times_logged_in int total number of times the account has been logged into via the web
28: * - last_login string date/time of last login via the web
29: * - affiliate_link string Monkey Rewards link for our Affiliate program
30: * - industry string the user's selected industry
31: * - contact associative_array Contact details for the account
32: * - fname string First Name
33: * - lname string Last Name
34: * - email string Email Address
35: * - company string Company Name
36: * - address1 string Address Line 1
37: * - address2 string Address Line 2
38: * - city string City
39: * - state string State or Province
40: * - zip string Zip or Postal Code
41: * - country string Country name
42: * - url string Website URL
43: * - phone string Phone number
44: * - fax string Fax number
45: * - modules array a struct for each addon module installed in the account
46: * - id string An internal module id
47: * - name string The module name
48: * - added string The date the module was added
49: * - data associative_array Any extra data associated with this module as key=>value pairs
50: * - orders array a struct for each order for the account
51: * - order_id int The order id
52: * - type string The order type - either "monthly" or "credits"
53: * - amount double The order amount
54: * - date string The order date
55: * - credits_used double The total credits used
56: * - rewards associative_array Rewards details for the account including credits & inspections earned, number of referrals, referral details, and rewards used
57: * - referrals_this_month int the total number of referrals this month
58: * - notify_on string whether or not we notify the user when rewards are earned
59: * - notify_email string the email address address used for rewards notifications
60: * - credits associative_array Email credits earned:
61: * - this_month int credits earned this month
62: * - total_earned int credits earned all time
63: * - remaining int credits remaining
64: * - inspections associative_array Inbox Inspections earned:
65: * - this_month int credits earned this month
66: * - total_earned int credits earned all time
67: * - remaining int credits remaining
68: * - referrals array a struct for each referral, including:
69: * - name string the name of the account
70: * - email string the email address associated with the account
71: * - signup_date string the signup date for the account
72: * - type string the source for the referral
73: * - applied array a struct for each applied rewards, including:
74: * - value int the number of credits user
75: * - date string the date applied
76: * - order_id int the order number credits were applied to
77: * - order_desc string the order description
78: * - integrations array a struct for each connected integrations that can be used with campaigns, including:
79: * - id int an internal id for the integration
80: * - name string the integration name
81: * - list_id string either "_any_" when globally accessible or the list id it's valid for use against
82: * - user_id string if applicable, the user id for the integrated system
83: * - account string if applicable, the user/account name for the integrated system
84: * - profiles array For Facebook, users/page that can be posted to.
85: * - id string the user or page id
86: * - name string the user or page name
87: * - is_page bool whether this is a user or a page
88: */
89: public function accountDetails($exclude=array()) {
90: $_params = array("exclude" => $exclude);
91: return $this->master->call('helper/account-details', $_params);
92: }
94: /**
95: * Retrieve minimal data for all Campaigns a member was sent
96: * @param associative_array $email
97: * - email string an email address
98: * - euid string the unique id for an email address (not list related) - the email "id" returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, Campaigns, etc.
99: * - leid string the list email id (previously called web_id) for a list-member-info type call. this doesn't change when the email address changes
100: * @param associative_array $options
101: * - list_id string optional A list_id to limit the campaigns to
102: * @return array an array of structs containing campaign data for each matching campaign (ordered by send time ascending), including:
103: * - id string the campaign unique id
104: * - title string the campaign's title
105: * - subject string the campaign's subject
106: * - send_time string the time the campaign was sent
107: * - type string the campaign type
108: */
109: public function campaignsForEmail($email, $options=null) {
110: $_params = array("email" => $email, "options" => $options);
111: return $this->master->call('helper/campaigns-for-email', $_params);
112: }
114: /**
115: * Return the current Chimp Chatter messages for an account.
116: * @return array An array of structs containing data for each chatter message
117: * - message string The chatter message
118: * - type string The type of the message - one of lists:new-subscriber, lists:unsubscribes, lists:profile-updates, campaigns:facebook-likes, campaigns:facebook-comments, campaigns:forward-to-friend, lists:imports, or campaigns:inbox-inspections
119: * - url string a url into the web app that the message could link to, if applicable
120: * - list_id string the list_id a message relates to, if applicable. Deleted lists will return -DELETED-
121: * - campaign_id string the list_id a message relates to, if applicable. Deleted campaigns will return -DELETED-
122: * - update_time string The date/time the message was last updated
123: */
124: public function chimpChatter() {
125: $_params = array();
126: return $this->master->call('helper/chimp-chatter', $_params);
127: }
129: /**
130: * Have HTML content auto-converted to a text-only format. You can send: plain HTML, an existing Campaign Id, or an existing Template Id. Note that this will <strong>not</strong> save anything to or update any of your lists, campaigns, or templates.
131: It's also not just Lynx and is very fine tuned for our template layouts - your mileage may vary.
132: * @param string $type
133: * @param associative_array $content
134: * - html string optional a single string value,
135: * - cid string a valid Campaign Id
136: * - user_template_id string the id of a user template
137: * - base_template_id string the id of a built in base/basic template
138: * - gallery_template_id string the id of a built in gallery template
139: * - url string a valid & public URL to pull html content from
140: * @return associative_array the content pass in converted to text.
141: * - text string the converted html
142: */
143: public function generateText($type, $content) {
144: $_params = array("type" => $type, "content" => $content);
145: return $this->master->call('helper/generate-text', $_params);
146: }
148: /**
149: * Send your HTML content to have the CSS inlined and optionally remove the original styles.
150: * @param string $html
151: * @param bool $strip_css
152: * @return associative_array with a "html" key
153: * - html string Your HTML content with all CSS inlined, just like if we sent it.
154: */
155: public function inlineCss($html, $strip_css=false) {
156: $_params = array("html" => $html, "strip_css" => $strip_css);
157: return $this->master->call('helper/inline-css', $_params);
158: }
160: /**
161: * Retrieve minimal List data for all lists a member is subscribed to.
162: * @param associative_array $email
163: * - email string an email address
164: * - euid string the unique id for an email address (not list related) - the email "id" returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, Campaigns, etc.
165: * - leid string the list email id (previously called web_id) for a list-member-info type call. this doesn't change when the email address changes
166: * @return array An array of structs with info on the list_id the member is subscribed to.
167: * - id string the list unique id
168: * - the web_id id referenced in web interface urls
169: * - the name list name
170: */
171: public function listsForEmail($email) {
172: $_params = array("email" => $email);
173: return $this->master->call('helper/lists-for-email', $_params);
174: }
176: /**
177: * "Ping" the MailChimp API - a simple method you can call that will return a constant value as long as everything is good. Note
178: than unlike most all of our methods, we don't throw an Exception if we are having issues. You will simply receive a different
179: string back that will explain our view on what is going on.
180: * @return associative_array a with a "msg" key
181: * - msg string containing "Everything's Chimpy!" if everything is chimpy, otherwise returns an error message
182: */
183: public function ping() {
184: $_params = array();
185: return $this->master->call('helper/ping', $_params);
186: }
188: /**
189: * Search all campaigns for the specified query terms
190: * @param string $query
191: * @param int $offset
192: * @param string $snip_start
193: * @param string $snip_end
194: * @return associative_array containing the total matches and current results
195: * - total int total campaigns matching
196: * - results array matching campaigns and snippets
197: * - snippet string the matching snippet for the campaign
198: * - campaign associative_array the matching campaign's details - will return same data as single campaign from campaigns/list()
199: * - summary associative_array if available, the matching campaign's report/summary data, other wise empty
200: */
201: public function searchCampaigns($query, $offset=0, $snip_start=null, $snip_end=null) {
202: $_params = array("query" => $query, "offset" => $offset, "snip_start" => $snip_start, "snip_end" => $snip_end);
203: return $this->master->call('helper/search-campaigns', $_params);
204: }
206: /**
207: * Search account wide or on a specific list using the specified query terms
208: * @param string $query
209: * @param string $id
210: * @param int $offset
211: * @return associative_array An array of both exact matches and partial matches over a full search
212: * - exact_matches associative_array containing the total matches and current results
213: * - total int total members matching
214: * - members array each entry will be struct matching the data format for a single member as returned by lists/member-info()
215: * - full_search associative_array containing the total matches and current results
216: * - total int total members matching
217: * - members array each entry will be struct matching the data format for a single member as returned by lists/member-info()
218: */
219: public function searchMembers($query, $id=null, $offset=0) {
220: $_params = array("query" => $query, "id" => $id, "offset" => $offset);
221: return $this->master->call('helper/search-members', $_params);
222: }
224: /**
225: * Retrieve all domain verification records for an account
226: * @return array structs for each domain verification has been attempted for
227: * - domain string the verified domain
228: * - status string the status of the verification - either "verified" or "pending"
229: * - email string the email address used for verification - "pre-existing" if we automatically backfilled it at some point
230: */
231: public function verifiedDomains() {
232: $_params = array();
233: return $this->master->call('helper/verified-domains', $_params);
234: }
236: }