1: <?php
3: class Mailchimp_Vip {
4: public function __construct(Mailchimp $master) {
5: $this->master = $master;
6: }
8: /**
9: * Retrieve all Activity (opens/clicks) for VIPs over the past 10 days
10: * @return array structs for each activity recorded.
11: * - action string The action taken - either "open" or "click"
12: * - timestamp string The datetime the action occurred in GMT
13: * - url string IF the action is a click, the url that was clicked
14: * - unique_id string The campaign_id of the List the Member appears on
15: * - title string The campaign title
16: * - list_name string The name of the List the Member appears on
17: * - list_id string The id of the List the Member appears on
18: * - email string The email address of the member
19: * - fname string IF a FNAME merge field exists on the list, that value for the member
20: * - lname string IF a LNAME merge field exists on the list, that value for the member
21: * - member_rating int the rating of the subscriber. This will be 1 - 5 as described <a href="http://eepurl.com/f-2P" target="_blank">here</a>
22: * - member_since string the datetime the member was added and/or confirmed
23: * - geo associative_array the geographic information if we have it. including:
24: * - latitude string the latitude
25: * - longitude string the longitude
26: * - gmtoff string GMT offset
27: * - dstoff string GMT offset during daylight savings (if DST not observered, will be same as gmtoff
28: * - timezone string the timezone we've place them in
29: * - cc string 2 digit ISO-3166 country code
30: * - region string generally state, province, or similar
31: */
32: public function activity() {
33: $_params = array();
34: return $this->master->call('vip/activity', $_params);
35: }
37: /**
38: * Add VIPs (previously called Golden Monkeys)
39: * @param string $id
40: * @param array $emails
41: * - email string an email address - for new subscribers obviously this should be used
42: * - euid string the unique id for an email address (not list related) - the email "id" returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, Campaigns, etc.
43: * - leid string the list email id (previously called web_id) for a list-member-info type call. this doesn't change when the email address changes
44: * @return associative_array of data and success/error counts
45: * - success_count int the number of successful adds
46: * - error_count int the number of unsuccessful adds
47: * - errors array array of error structs including:
48: * - email associative_array whatever was passed in the email parameter
49: * - email string the email address added
50: * - euid string the email unique id
51: * - leid string the list member's truly unique id
52: * - code string the error code
53: * - error string the error message
54: * - data array array of structs for each member added
55: * - email associative_array whatever was passed in the email parameter
56: * - email string the email address added
57: * - euid string the email unique id
58: * - leid string the list member's truly unique id
59: */
60: public function add($id, $emails) {
61: $_params = array("id" => $id, "emails" => $emails);
62: return $this->master->call('vip/add', $_params);
63: }
65: /**
66: * Remove VIPs - this does not affect list membership
67: * @param string $id
68: * @param array $emails
69: * - email string an email address - for new subscribers obviously this should be used
70: * - euid string the unique id for an email address (not list related) - the email "id" returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, Campaigns, etc.
71: * - leid string the list email id (previously called web_id) for a list-member-info type call. this doesn't change when the email address changes
72: * @return associative_array of data and success/error counts
73: * - success_count int the number of successful deletions
74: * - error_count int the number of unsuccessful deletions
75: * - errors array array of error structs including:
76: * - email associative_array whatever was passed in the email parameter
77: * - email string the email address
78: * - euid string the email unique id
79: * - leid string the list member's truly unique id
80: * - code string the error code
81: * - msg string the error message
82: * - data array array of structs for each member deleted
83: * - email associative_array whatever was passed in the email parameter
84: * - email string the email address
85: * - euid string the email unique id
86: * - leid string the list member's truly unique id
87: */
88: public function del($id, $emails) {
89: $_params = array("id" => $id, "emails" => $emails);
90: return $this->master->call('vip/del', $_params);
91: }
93: /**
94: * Retrieve all Golden Monkey(s) for an account
95: * @return array structs for each Golden Monkey, including:
96: * - list_id string The id of the List the Member appears on
97: * - list_name string The name of the List the Member appears on
98: * - email string The email address of the member
99: * - fname string IF a FNAME merge field exists on the list, that value for the member
100: * - lname string IF a LNAME merge field exists on the list, that value for the member
101: * - member_rating int the rating of the subscriber. This will be 1 - 5 as described <a href="http://eepurl.com/f-2P" target="_blank">here</a>
102: * - member_since string the datetime the member was added and/or confirmed
103: */
104: public function members() {
105: $_params = array();
106: return $this->master->call('vip/members', $_params);
107: }
109: }